Better Person (Alexander Beasecker)

In the current age of Social media and the internet I often see horrible things said and done to each-other through it; we have lost a lot of respect and empathy for one another because of it. I find that trying to better yourself everyday helps evolve you as a person and helps you become a much better person.

Be respectful

being respectful to everyone is hard but I try to take the time to treat everyone and every situation with respect. I often see so many people treat others poorly, sometimes unknowingly. I believe being aware and respecting others time and ideas helps teach you restraint and better you in every situation.



Listen to others, Accept their ideas

When I pay attention to the political situation in the United States right now all I see is people yelling over each-other never giving the other a time to talk, never listening. One thing I always try to practice is listening to others and always being open to their new ideas or thoughts. Even if I disagree with what they are saying I always give them time to say what they want to say. You will never learn or grow as a person if you never listen to someone who have differing ideas then you do, sometimes you may even have your mind or ideas changed based on someone else.

Help out in your community or volunteer at local charities

one thing I try to do is help out in the local communities and charities, whether it’s just at a fundraiser or helping hand our food or building homes it helps you see how much worse some people are and it helps you build respect and understanding for the situation of others.