Summary One
Summary 1
HTML Sandwich.
HTML is the basics of what a computer reads to say what a website should show to the viewer. It has many different tags and elements within that are used to help explain to the computer what is being shown like heading tags and paragrapgh tags. Lastly, each tag must have a beinging tag and an end tag in order to function on the website.
Hierarchy in HTML.
Within the group of headings there are six options h1 to h6 and each one gives a different effect h1 being the highest in the ranking all the way down to h6. Things get even smaller when they go to <p>
which is pargraph just like in regular type. Lastly there are other tags that become important like <a>
for links to add into your website.
Multiple elements in HTML.
Tags aren't always by themselves sometimes they are within another tag like <p>is going to be with a <body> tag so that it is visble on the screen. Another thing with tags is that it doesn't matter if they are captilized or lower case they will work the same. Lasty, in order to create a line break you can't just use the space bar the comptuer will only see it as one space so you have to use <br> and it doesn'e need a and end tag.