Does My Image look professional ?

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We will explore various editing softwares, image comparisons, and professional vs amateur final products.

When trying to make images look more professional start by running through this quick checklist:

If you answered yes to any of these questions then it should be noted that the image probably does not look professional.

So your photo passed the test, now what?

Editing the Colors and Appearance of the Photo

Professional photographers do not use images straight out of the camera and you shouldn't either.

Going back to the oldest days of photography we observed photographers developing images in dark rooms and

manipulating the visual appearance of the image.

Photoshop and other editing programs are essentially your modern day dark room.


There is a wide range of editing software that can be used from mobile devices or on computers.

Regardless there are key adjustments you want to look for within each software including: contrast, shadows, highlights, saturation, exposure.

What do these adjustments do to the picture?

Free phone editing apps:

Before and Afer Editing

Simple adjustments of contrast, highlights, shadows, and exposure can have a huge impact on the final image.

Combine this with skin editing and other specialties the app may offer can result in a huge transformation from the original image.

The firs image is a raw unedited photo and the second is after editing to skin, and other manipulations of shadows, contrast, and highlights.

It has a dramatic impact on the mood the photo is trying convey.

Final result looks more like what a professional photographer would give a client.

editing skin stock photo copyediting skin copy
Differences between these two pictures?

If we take into account these different concepts and apply them when we find ourself behind the lens, the final products will be better.

That being said, some people are artistically advantaged and will always produce better images, not because of equipment, but because of one's creativity.