Individual List
The beginning html tag is in the wrong spot, it should not go before the doctype.
The title should go inside of the head so the browser knows what to call the tab.
Inside of header, the opening and closing “h” tags are different. Line 26 should be a closing h1 tag.
There two closing head tags. The one at line 34 should not be there.
The emphasis and italic tags inside of the first paragraph are all mixed up. They should all have the same opening and closing tags.
Lines 56 and 57 should be swapped.
At line 62, the closing tags should be swapped. The closing link tag should be before the closing paragraph tag.
At line 81, the break tag is wrong. It should not have a curly bracket.
At line 108, it should be a closing paragraph tag, not a closing h3 tag.
I guess line 118 isn’t the worst, but I would put the 2 with the link as well, not just summary.
The closing tags at lines 148 and 149 should be swapped.
The very last tag should be the closing html tag. The closing body tag should go before the closing html tag (lines 152 and 154).
Group List
Line 42 is missing the slash in the closing tag of b.
Lines 73, 75, 125 and 127 should be paragraph tags. H7 is not a thing.
- Line 141 is wrong because of the mistake at 106 and 108.
No closing main tag.