Individual List 🏆
Line 5-You don’t need the angled brackets for main
Line 10- need px at the end of number (or %).
Line 11- need px at the end of number (or %).
Line 12- need px at the end of number (or %).
Line 13- need px at the end of number (or %).
Line 15- You don’t need the closing tag for main
Line 20-Display: diamonds? No, no, no.
Line 25 and 27- Body needs curly brackets, not square brackets.
Line 26- incorrect hex code.
Line 35- What is 4? Delete that.
Line 36- it needs and “a” before :hover - not 100% needed
Line 36- the #menu-icon should come before a:hover - not 100% needed
Line 37- incorrect hex code.
Line 52- needs a slash and “*” to be a comment,, not angled brackets.
All the navigation is in the wrong order. It should go a:visited, a:hover, a:active
Line 64- incorrect hex code.
Line 67- not only in the wrong spot, but doesn’t need the dot before the word header.
Group List
Line 2- css, not csc.
Line 5-You don’t need the angled brackets for main.
- Lines 10- need px at the end of number (or %).
Lines 11- need px at the end of number (or %).
Lines 12- need px at the end of number (or %).
Lines 13- need px at the end of number (or %).
Line 15- You don’t need the closing tag for main
Line 20- Display: diamonds? No, no, no.
Line 25 and 27- Body needs curly brackets, not square brackets.
Line 26- incorrect hex code.
Line 33- the word color is spelled wrong.
Line 35- What is 4? Delete that.
Line 36- it needs and “a” before :hover - not 100% needed
Line 36- the #menu-icon should come before a:hover - not 100% needed
Line 37- incorrect hex code.
Line 45- uppercase W needs to be lowercase.
Line 46- the word height is spelled wrong.
Line 52- needs a slash and “*” to be a comment, not angled brackets.
All the navigation is in the wrong order. It should go a:visited, a:hover, a:active
Line 60- space between color and “:”, clean up code. Also, hex code is in all caps, make it lowercase.
Line 64- incorrect hex code.
Body in wrong spot, after or before interactive code. It is also added twice, so delete one of the body codes.
Line 67- not only in the wrong spot, but doesn’t need the dot before the word header.