Summary 2

1. CSS Introduction

The first reading introduces CSS. The author discusses how CSS stands for cascading style sheet and how it determines how HTML should be shown on the screen. The reading also states that there can be multiple style sheets. In addition, CSS solved a problem with HTML, because HTML was never meant to have style sheets used in its code.

2. CSS Syntax

The second reading discusses CSS syntax. The author teaches the reader about the different parts of a CSS syntax, which has a selector, declaration, property, and property value. The selector is something such as h1 that determines what you are setting a style for. Then there is the declaration that has the property and property value inside of it that determines what the selector will look like on the HTML.

2. CSS Selectors

The third reading discusses CSS selectors. A selector is what is used to find or select the HTML element you want to style. There are five different selector categories that the author discusses. Those categories are simple, combinator, pseudo-class, pseudo-elements, and attribute selectors