Hannah Graves | Challenge Two
Group HTML Errors
- <html> isn't supposed to be before !doctype at the document begining
- <h1> Hello my name is Blake </h2> - has the wrong opening/closing tag pair
- Line 34's </head> needs a closing tag
- I am a member of the <b> Art Department <b> - needs a opening b tag
- Line 60-62 the <a href="step2.html">
- Step 2 - HTML Tagging
- </p></a> - is not paired right
- Line 108- </h3> needs an opening tag
- Missing line </main> at the end
- The html page needs to be paired with a CSS page
- The body tag ends outside the HTML close tag
- P in the footer closes outside footer
- The link in Summary 2 on line 113 cuts off the title of Summary 2 between Summary and 2
- On line 120 there's an h7 instead of a p for summary 4
- On line 108 The summaries should be h1
- Lines 37 to 38 include closed and unclosed<i> and <em> duplicate without closing the previous ones.
- Lines 42 does not define<b> in any way so it cannot read properly.
- content...
- content...
- content...
- content...
- content...
- content...
Personal HTML Errors
---This list goes from the bottom of the code to the top---
- The body ends outside the HTML close tag.
- P in the footer closes outside footer.
- The link in Summary 2 cuts off the title of Summary 2 between Summary and 2
- There an h7 instead of a p for summary 4
- The summaries should be h1
- Step 8 b has a closing tag of h3 instead of p
- The br on line 75 should be <br> not <br}
- Step 4 b should be p opener tag and closer tag, not h7 (Which doesn't even exist…)
- Step 2- HTML tag should be formatted differently, and the p closer should be outside the a closer
- Lines 46- 51 are formatted incorrectly: it should be <h1> <b> text... </b> </h1>
- Lines 34-36 is formatted wrong it should be <h2> text... <b> text...</b></h2>
- Lines 31-32 should be:<p> text... <em> </em> text... <i> text...<i>
- Html shouldnt open above <!doctype html >