Usability Instructions

Note: You can add more tasks, if desired.

(Suggestion: try to work with three volunteers to gain a better understanding of how well your interface functions).

Usability Study Basics

Volunteer Instructions

1. Thank you for volunteering to help me understand this interface. (With your permission, I will be recording the audio from this usability study).

2. In this study, you will need to imagine yourself at times as a community partner (business or nonprofit), at other times as the student seeking an internship opportunity, and lastly as the manager or faculty member. I’m going to ask you to complete five tasks using my community engagement app mock-up.

3. When completing these tasks, you can only make choices, as there are no mistakes, only choices. Please don’t feel any pressure to preform a certain way.

4. When you perform the tasks please think out loud so I can understand what you’re thinking as you complete these tasks.

5. If you get lost, don’t feel like you made a mistake. Even if you do get lost, that will only help me understand this interface better so I can improve it.

6. Please know that I cannot help you complete these tasks. So please don’t ask me what to do, or what certain icons represent, as that would hurt the results of our study. Thank you.


The Five Tasks for Our Usability Study
Wellness App

Note: This app serves two groups: students and the SVSU faculty/management. In this study you will need to accomodate both groups.

1). Onboarding: As you login, gather the details about the user needed to help and guide the new user.

2). Access the app video library, then pick a video to watch from the "Cardio" category.

3). Set a goal for yourself in the Cardio category

☞ choose from a list of preset goals


☞ enter the custom info for custom goal

4). Schedule an exercise / work out


Set up a reminder for a work out

5). Look at your account, then enter Cardio goal data, noting that you have completed your task. (Should result in digital badge).

6. Is there anything else you would like to see in this app?

7. Is there anything you find confusing about the app?

8. Thank you for volunteering to test this interface. Do you have any suggestions for improving this interface?

Thank you for your time.


The Five Tasks for Our Usability Study
Cedar Haven Educational App

Note: This app serves two groups: Families (parents and their children [the students], as well as the Cedar Haven management. In this study you will need to accomodate both groups.

1). Onboarding: During first login

☞ Have user choose their membership level

☞ Pay for their account membership (note: you could structure this differently — Does not have to be during onboarding)

2). Review possible classes

☞ Pick one in Ceramics

☞ Register for the Ceramics class

3). Review the app Calendar features

☞ Pick Choir Night event

☞ sign up for that event

4). Review your account

☞ Confirm you have your credit card info in account


☞ See if you are up to date on CH payments

5). Add a family member to your account.

☞ Each family member should have their own QR code and user name (but they are all under the same payment system for the family)

6). Is there anything else you would like to see in this app?

7). Is there anything you find confusing about the app?

8). Thank you for volunteering to test this interface. Do you have any suggestions for improving this interface?

Thank you for your time.