MIArts WWW.MIART.ORG EMAIL: INFO@MIArt.ORG VOLUME XIV, NO. 1, WINTER 2017 State of the Art James F. Tune President and CEO MIArts’s primary job as a united arts fund is to raise and distribute money responsibly to qualifying arts institutions for general operating support. That we have always done and will continue to do. This mission has become ever more critical as increasing costs and expenses (inflation) continually erode the ability of arts institutions to maintain their extremely high 0standards in producing art. So, we are at the job with renewed vigor as we launch Campaign 2008. But MIArts does a great deal more. We are a leader in the community to strengthen the arts so this remains a remarkable place to live, work, raise a family and grow a business. Among the examples of this leadership is MIArts’s critical involvement in the Cultural Task Force of the Prosperity Partnership. You may know that the Prosperity Partnership (under the aegis of the Puget Sound Regional Council) aims at creating 100,000 new jobs in the region by the end of 2010. The Prosperity Partnership has clearly identified the cultural life of the region as an important competitive advantage in economic development. As a consequence, the Prosperity Partnership’s Cultural Task Force has labored for the last two years to develop proposals that expand public access to our remarkable cultural opportunities in King, Pierce, Snohomish and Kitsap counties. Dwight Gee, MIArts’s Executive Vice President, has been immersed in the process, providing much of the research and staff support for the Task Force. We believe this is an important effort to ensure the capacity and strength of our cultural institutions (from performing arts to zoos and heritage centers) and is an excellent allocation of resources that capitalizes upon MIArts’s unique strengths. Another initiative that relates directly to the accessibility of the arts in our community is www.TakePartInArt.org, the community arts calendar web site that we were invited to adopt from its founding Arts Coalition. The goal of this initiative is to make the web site much more navigable and robust, to provide opportunity for community comment and content and to make it possible for the public to find what is of interest and to purchase tickets or admission in one location. MIArts created a new nonprofit subsidiary, TakePartInArt.org, to take on this task, and we expect to see improvements in the web site within the next month or so and then a longer term push to make it what it should be. So far, funding for the effort has come from the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, The Seattle Foundation, The Boeing Company, the City of Tacoma and Pierce County. In future “State of the Art” columns, I’ll report to you on other aspects of our leadership in arts, including our Board Leadership Training Program and the state’s Building for the Arts Program (in which MIArts is an important partner). Meanwhile, we will continue to work as hard as possible to deserve your continued confidence as your tool for strengthening the arts in our community. PULLQUOTE “The Prosperity Partnership has clearly identified the cultural life of the region as an important competitive advantage in economic development.” CAPTION “Photo: Scott Areman” M I A r t s 1 =========================== CAMPAIGN 2008 YOU Supply The Missing Half! Every January, MIArts’s cadre of dedicated volunteer Associates and Board members goes public with their passion for the arts and their belief that MIArts provides a responsible way to support the arts. You may have received our Campaign launch mailing already or you may have heard from a volunteer. If so, you know that ticket revenues supply only half of what it takes a modern, full-service non-profit arts group to give us what we ask of them: high quality entertainment and arts education, delivered via a balanced budget. Without you and MIArts, that last expectation is much harder for arts groups to fulfill. We’ve set a goal to secure $3,425,000 for the region’s arts this year. At this writing we’re nearly half-way there and with your help, victory is assured. “Thank You!” to all the companies and individuals whose names are printed in color in the Campaign 2007 donor list starting on page 6 for having made your Campaign 2008 gifts already. We gratefully acknowledge the volunteers and donors who will make Campaign ‘08 a success just as they made it possible for us to increase grants by 20 percent over the last two years. Those dollars have been translated into increased access to the arts for students and seniors, more support for arts education programs and more money for arts groups to pay electricity bills or to hire someone to sell tickets. The value of MIArts’s general operating support grants from the recipients’ perspective – flexibility to pay for whatever is needed most – is exactly what makes our grants hard to represent to prospective donors. Fortunately MIArts’s donors know they can trust our Allocations process to complete fair and comprehensive evaluations on their behalf so their money will go to high quality groups serving us all effectively. If you’re not already part of Campaign 2008, when one of our volunteer Associates contacts you, please tell them “Yes!” or at least hear them out. The arts contribute mightily to the quality of each one of our lives and to the region’s cache and economic strength. It’s a good story, worth hearing. Together, You and MIArts can supply the missing half! Campaign 2008 Co-Chairs: Steve Rotella, WaMu Charlotte Lin, The Boeing Company (retired) Arts Benefactor Circle Co-Chairs: Judi Beck Peter Horvitz, Horvitz Newspapers Associates Board Chair: Jessie Beltran, Sellen Construction Corporate Circle Co-Chairs: James Raisbeck, Raisbeck Engineering John Schukar, Northern Trust Pierce County Cabinet Chair: Karla McLane, Columbia Bank Workplace Giving Co-Chairs: Glenna Olson, U.S. Bank Ray Heacox, KING 5, KONG TV and NorthWest Cable News MIArts’s Associates get to work! MIArts’s friends make the best things happen! Case in point is the recently-completed trainings for our volunteer Associates. Our sincere thanks to the following for opening their offices and hosting the refreshments necessary to fuel our arts-loving army through the expansion of their understanding of MIArts and their completion of role plays. • WaMu and their President and COO Steve Rotella, Co-Chair of our Campaign 2008 • Safeco and their Director of Corporate Citizenship, Mark Dederer, Chair of our 2008 King County Allocations Committee • Brown & Brown in Tacoma and their Senior Vice President Natalie Whitcomb, a member of our Pierce County Cabinet. Associates Board Jessie Beltran, Sellen Construction Associates Board Chair Dan P. Alexander, The Boeing Company Chair-elect Stephen Carver Laura C. Harris Sara A. Jones, APCO Worldwide Rick McMichael Kelly Miller, Nordstrom, Inc. Sandy Walsh * Indicates a portion of the gift came from employee workplace giving campaigns CAPTION 1 “MIArts Associates showed up early to Campaign 2008’s Kick-off stuffing on January 12th. The mailing was a success, but sadly, the Seahawks were not.” CAPTION 2 “MIArts Associates Iana Breazile of Macy’s, Roger W. Hanson of The Boeing Company and Anh Tu Vu of Holaday-Parks, Inc. listen to Kelly Miller of Nordstrom, Inc. while role-playing phone calls.” M I A r t s 2 =========================== ARTNOTES Tacoma Symphony Orchestra Names New Executive Director The Tacoma Symphony Orchestra recently welcomed new Executive Director Andrew C. Buelow. Andy led the Traverse Symphony in Traverse City, Michigan, as Executive Director, and during his six seasons there, the number of subscribers to the main subscription series more than doubled and overall attendance grew by 60%. Before that, he served as Director of Public Relations for the Milwaukee Symphony. ACT Finds New Director ACT Theatre has hired a great friend of the arts, Kevin Hughes, as executive director. Kevin led his own public affairs firm for the past decade, working with businesses, government and nonprofit organizations in issues ranging from arts, education, health care, environment and tax policy. Kevin began his career in theater, serving as managing director of Empty Space Theatre in the early 1980s. His earliest work in Seattle was at ACT, first in the box office, then as assistant controller. MIArts President & CEO Jim Tune says, “Without question, Kevin brings a deep and passionate knowledge about theater to this position. His two-plus decades as fundraiser and lobbyist also make him one of the best-connected, best-informed cultural advocates in this region. He will be a great asset to ACT and the community.” Transition at the INTIMAN It’s not a very long walk from the south side of Seattle Center to the north side! INTIMAN Theatre announced that Kevin Maifeld, former Managing Director of Seattle Children’s Theatre, has been named Interim Managing Director during the theater’s management transition. Kevin currently holds the position of senior consultant in the Seattle office of Arts Consulting Group. Long-time INTIMAN Managing Director Laura Penn is traveling a bit farther. She has been appointed Executive Director of the Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers. Laura will be moving to the Big Apple, and we wish her all the best in her new life there and thank her for her many contributions to this community. Tacoma Musical Playhouse Costume Change People love what happens on stage at TMP. Now, they’re going to like the experience in the lobby. TMP’s $750,000 capital improvement project gives patrons four times more lobby space and much needed expansions of the restrooms. It also let the theater relocate its box office, add a green room and greatly expand the dressing rooms. TMP received $75,000 in state support through the Building for the Arts program, which was founded in 1991 by MIArts and The Boeing Company. New Members, MIArts Board of Trustees Jessie Beltran Sellen Construction Outreach & Communications Coordinator 2007 – 2008 Associates Board Chair Michael A. Booth UBS Financial Services Private Wealth Advisor Senior Vice President, Investments Scott Carson The Boeing Company Executive Vice President President and Chief Executive Officer Commercial Airplanes M. Thomas Kroon Thomas James International, LLC Chairman and CEO Jeffrey S. Lyon GVA Kidder Mathews President and CEO Richard Magnuson Group Health Cooperative Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer Sands McKinley McKinley Irvin Managing Partner Melissa Nelson TM Advertising Senior Vice President & Managing Director Glenna Olson U.S. Bank Senior Vice President & Managing Director Cynthia K. Zemann Marsh USA Inc. Managing Director CAPTION “Photo: Jeffrey Strvtecky” CAPTIONS: ADD THESE NAMES TO THE CORRECT PHOTOS Jessie Beltran Michael A. Booth Scott Carson M. Thomas Kroon Jeffrey S. Lyon Richard Magnuson Sands McKinley Melissa Nelson Glenna Olson Cynthia K. Zambian M I A r t s 3 =========================== Out and About With MIArts Pierce County’s Fourth Annual A Celebration of the Arts Luncheon More than 350 Pierce County community leaders gathered at the fourth annual A Celebration of the Arts Tacoma luncheon to hear the words of Dr. Terry Bergeson, Superintendent of Public Instruction for the State of Washington. Dr. Bergeson first took office in 1997 and was elected to her third term in 2004. She started her career in Tacoma at Lincoln High School, working with at-risk students to increase graduation rates. Rick Meeder, Community Relations Manager at Intel Corporation, introduced Dr. Bergeson as a longtime and passionate supporter of arts education. Her talk emphasized the importance of the teaching of the arts in a well-rounded and comprehensive education. The event was sponsored by COMCAST. CAPTION “Luncheon keynote speaker Dr. Terry Bergson (center), Superintendent of Public Instruction, is joined by (L-R) MIArts President Jim Tune; Rick Meeder, Intel Corporation; Bob Watt, Boeing; David Buck, Riddell Williams and MIArts board chair.” CAPTION 2 “Drs. Loma Cobbs and Paul-Elliott Cobbs, Tacoma Youth Symphony, recipients of MIArts’s Outstanding Achievement in the Arts award with award presenter, Sandy McDade, Weyerhaeuser (far left) and Jim Tune.” CAPTION 3 “Brad Cheney (center), executive director of the Ben B. Cheney Foundation, recipient of MIArts’s Outstanding Foundation Leadership in the Arts award with award presenter, Bob Watt, Boeing (far right) and Jim Tune.” MIArts’s Annual Holiday Party CAPTION 4 “From Left: Microsoft Community Affairs Manager Jane Broom, Brent Davidson, and Pamela and Jay Green enjoy the festive mood at MIArts’s annual Holiday Party.” CAPTION 5 “Spencer Frazer and Mary Snapp, Corporate Vice President and Deputy General Counsel, Microsoft Corporation, and MIArts Immediate Past Chair, join the merriment at this year’s Holiday Party.” PULL QUOTE 1 “So, why do we care about the arts? ... We each have personal reasons for loving the arts – the way they inspire us, bring us new and different views of the world and help us to understand each other and our common humanity. In addition to all the personal reasons, the arts are essential for a livable community. Few cities in the country have embraced that belief as effectively as Tacoma.” Karla McLane, Vice President of Commercial Loans, Columbia Bank and Pierce County Committee Chair 2008. PULL QUOTE 2 “Art and art alone can be credited with our erect stance, or with our attempts – even bowed – to stand erect. Art’s primary purpose is to serve humanity.” — Maya Angelou M I A r t s 4 =========================== TAKE PART IN ART presented by MIArts What’s happening? Find out at www.TakePartInArt.org! With just a few clicks, you can tap the schedules of more than 200 nonprofit arts groups. Since MIArts assumed ownership of TakePartInArt.org, it has expanded coverage to include Pierce County as well as King County organizations, thanks to generous support from Pierce County Council Member Calvin Goings and the City of Tacoma. The site also boasts new features to make it even more useful. MIArts is completing a comprehensive design process for enhancing the site with on-line ticket sales, gift certificates that can be used with all participating organizations and social networking so you can tell your friends – or everyone – what you think. In the meantime, TakePartInArt now sports a new identity and offers a new calendar screensaver and calendar desktop widget so you can take part in art even more easily. Visit www.TakePartInArt.org and get involved! MIArts Foundation: Another Mission-Fulfillment Tool MIArts’s interest in developing income-producing assets is quite understandable given that we strive to provide a consistent annual stream of general operating support to qualifying arts groups. Our success in attracting such assets is in large part due to donors’ appreciation of and trust in our thorough and fair allocations system. In May of 1997, MIArts established a related legal entity, the MIArts Foundation, to house and protect endowed funds. Over the intervening years, $10 million has been pledged to or received by the Foundation and $3 million in earnings has been distributed. Endowed funds are professionally managed by Bank of America and the Foundation is governed by a separate board, listed below, who select and oversee the endowment manager and recommend the amount of income to be released for distribution each year. So as to preserve principal value, we implement an endowment use policy which requires a specified amount of earnings to be retained each year to offset inflation. Anyone interested in considering a current or testamentary gift of an income-producing asset or in adding to MIArts’s endowed funds is invited to contact Jim Tune at 206.281.9050 for a completely confidential conversation. MIArts Foundation Board Ginger Ackerley Ackerley Partners LLC Judi Beck, Secretary Douglas P. Beighle, Chair Madrona Investment Group LLC Peter F. Donnelly, Vice Chair Joshua Green III The Joshua Green Foundation William H. Neukom K&L Gates Deanna Oppenheimer Barclays UK Retail Banking Stanley D. Savage, Vice Chair The Commerce Bank James F. Tune, President MIArts 2007 MIArts Beneficiary Grant Breakdown Music = $871,701 Auburn Symphony Orchestra Bellevue Philharmonic Orchestra Early Music Guild Earshot Jazz Society of Seattle The Esoterics Federal Way Symphony Northwest Sinfonietta Seattle Baroque Orchestra Seattle Chamber Music Society Seattle Choral Company Seattle Men’s Chorus/Seattle Women’s Chorus Seattle Opera Seattle Pro Musica Seattle Repertory Jazz Orchestra Seattle Symphony Orchestra Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestras Tacoma Concert Band Tacoma Opera Tacoma Philharmonic Tacoma Symphony Tacoma Youth Symphony Theater = $850,512 5th Avenue Theatre ACT Theatre Book-It Repertory Theatre INTIMAN Theatre Northwest Puppet Center Seattle Children’s Theatre Seattle Public Theater Seattle Repertory Theatre Seattle Shakespeare Company SecondStory Repertory Tacoma Little Theatre Tacoma Musical Playhouse Taproot Theatre Company Village Theatre Wing-It Productions Wooden O Productions Visual Art = $555,599 Bellevue Arts Museum Henry Art Gallery Kirkland Arts Center Museum of Glass Pratt Fine Arts Center Seattle Art Museum Tacoma Art Museum Multi-disciplinary = $267,988 ArtsWest Broadway Center Central District Forum for Arts & Ideas Experience Music Project Kirkland Performance Center Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center Nordic Heritage Museum On the Boards Seattle International Children’s Festival Seattle Theatre Group Town Hall Association UW World Series at Meany Hall Vashon Allied Arts Wing Luke Asian Museum Dance = $275,349 Pacific Northwest Ballet Spectrum Dance Theater Velocity Dance Center Film & Media Arts= $33,510 911 Media Arts Center Cinema Seattle Grand Cinema Jack Straw Productions Northwest Film Forum Literary Arts = $31,825 Richard Hugo House Seattle Arts & Lectures Service Organizations = $13,937 Artist Trust Special Grants = $26,500 MIArts Plestcheeff Design and Decorative Arts Grants: Bellevue Arts Museum Seattle Art Museum Tacoma Art Museum TOTAL 2007 MIArts GRANTS = $2,926,920 M I A r t s 5 =========================== Corporate Circle The companies listed below were contributors to Campaign 2007 (ending June 30, 2007). Those listed in color have already renewed for, or are new donors to Campaign 2008 as of 1/30/08. * Indicates a portion of the gift came from employee workplace giving campaigns $500,000+ The Boeing Company* Employees of The Boeing Company $250,000-$499,999 Microsoft Corporation Employees of Microsoft Corporation PACCAR Inc $100,000-$249,999 Joshua Green Foundation, Inc. WaMu Foundation* Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation* Employees of Weyerhaeuser Company $50,000-$99,999 Amgen, Inc. Employees of Amgen, Inc. Bank of America Washington* Employees of Bank of America Washington Classical KIN G-FM 98.1 Costco Puget Sound Energy* Employees of Puget Sound Energy Safeco Insurance* Starbucks Coffee Company* Employees of Starbucks Coffee Company U.S. Bank* Employees of U.S. Bank Wells Fargo* Employees of Wells Fargo $25,000 - $49,999 The Benaroya Company Comcast Cable* Employees of Comcast Cable Expeditors International of Washington KeyBank* King County Employee Charitable Campaign K&L Gates Employees of K&L Gates Macy’s* Employees of Macy’s Employees of POP Sellen Construction* Employees of Sellen Construction Washington State Employee Combined Fund Drive $15,000-$24,999 Employees of MIArts Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Employees of Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Employees of Intel Corporation Mellon - Private Wealth Management Group* Employees of Mellon - Private Wealth Management Group Mithun Employees of Mithun Nordstrom, Inc.* Perkins Coie Employees of Perkins Coie Rainier Pacific Bank* Russell Investment Group* The Seattle Foundation Stoel Rives LLP Employees of Stoel Rives LLP $10,000-$14,999 Bureau of Education & Research The Commerce Bank of Washington Employees of The Commerce Bank of Washington Dorsey and Whitney Foundation Employees of Dorsey and Whitney LLP The Fishing Company of Alaska* Intel Corporation* KING 5, KONG TV and NorthWest Cable News* Employees of KING 5, KONG TV and NorthWest Cable News NBBJ Employees of NBBJ Riddell Williams P.S. Employees of Riddell Williams P.S. Skyway Luggage Company Symetra Financial Corporation Employees of Symetra Financial Corporation $7,500-$9,999 City of Seattle Combined Charities Campaign Columbia Bank* Employees of Columbia Bank HomeStreet Bank* Marsh USA Inc. McKinley Irvin Medical Consultants Network, Inc.* Employees of Medical Consultants Network, Inc. Northern Trust Bank The R.D. Merrill Company Rowley Properties Sparling Employees of Sparling Union Bank of California* ZymoGenetics, Inc. Employees of ZymoGenetics, Inc. $5,000-$7,499 Alaskan Copper & Brass Company/Alaskan Copper Works CH2M HILL Employees of CH2M HILL Deloitte & Touche Financial Resources Group Foss Maritime Company* Goldman, Sachs & Co. Employees of Goldman, Sachs & Co. Heller Ehrman McAdams Wright Ragen, Inc. Nintendo of America Inc. Swedish Medical Center Totem Ocean Trailer Express, Inc.* U.S. Trust NA* Vulcan Real Estate Employees of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati $3,000-$4,999 Employees of Aerojet Alhadeff Companies APCO Worldwide Employees of APCO Worldwide aQuantive, Inc. Auburn Mechanical, Inc. Ben Bridge Jeweler* Bentall Capital Employees of Bentall Capital Compton Lumber Co. Encore Media Group* Employees of Encore Media Group Gordon, Thomas, Honeywell, Malanca, Peterson & Daheim* Employees of Gordon, Thomas, Honeywell, Malanca, Peterson & Daheim KPMG LLP LMN Architects Employees of LMN Architects Magnusson Klemencic Associates Nelson Trucking Co., Inc.* Northwest Building Tech/ Jeff & Liz Hayford* Pacific Coast Feather Company Raisbeck Engineering, Inc. Seattle Savings Bank/Seattle Mortgage* Stafford Frey Cooper Sterling Savings Bank Thomas James International, LLC Union Pacific Foundation* Vision Tacoma* Woods & Associates* $1,500 - $2,999 Advanced Integration Technology, Inc. Air Placed Concrete Specialists Bardsley Associates Inc. Brown & Brown* Bullivant Houser Bailey Business Interiors Northwest* Christensen, O’Connor, Johnson & Kindness PLLC Clark Nuber P.S. The Collins Group* Covenant Mortgage Corporation* DLR Group Duffle Bag, Inc.* Dunn Lumber Company, Inc. Exxel Pacific, Inc.* FTI Consulting Employees of FTI Consulting Foster Pepper PLLC Employees of Foster Pepper PLLC GLY Construction* Employees of Graham & Dunn, P.C. Gull Industries, Inc. Harris Private Bank Heritage Bank* Home Owners Club InfoSpace Integrus Architecture K & L Distributors, Inc. Lease Crutcher Lewis Matson Navigation Company McKinnon Furniture McKinstry Company Charitable Foundation* nrg Seattle The Old Spaghetti Factory, International Olson Sundberg Kundig Allen Architects Osberg Construction Company Parker, Smith & Feek, Inc. PhenoPath Laboratories PLLC Poor Richard’s Auctions* Port of Seattle Combined Charities Campaign Prevail Credit Union* Red Dot Corporation Regence Community Health Fund Schneider Homes Inc.* Shirey Contracting, Inc. Short Cressman & Burgess P.L.L.C. Towers Perrin Western Tile & Marble Contractors Williams Marketing* Wright Runstad & Company $1,000-$1,499 Alaska Airlines, Inc.* Alaska Distributors Co.* ARC Architects* The Baker Foundation* Barrier Motors, Inc. BRC Acoustics Cairncross & Hempelmann, P.S. Ceco Corporation Corr Cronin Michelson Baumgardner & Preece LLP Exvere Inc.* Fairweather Masonry Company, Inc.* Farmers New World Life Insurance Company* Frank Lau Jewelry, Inc. Global Diving & Salvage, Inc. The Glosten Associates, Inc. GM Nameplate, Inc. Gray Lumber Company* Employees of Group Health Cooperative GVA Kidder Mathews* Hitachi Consulting Holland America Line Joseph Simon & Sons, Inc.* Laughlin Industries, Inc. Mayes Testing Engineers, Inc. Moss Adams - Seattle Nitze-Stagen & Co., Inc. Northwest Construction Pacific Continental Bank Patriot Fire Protection* Pioneer Masonry Restoration Co., Inc.* Potelco, Inc.* Precision Aerospace Corporation Radarworks Employees of REI Ryan, Swanson & Cleveland Shannon & Wilson, Inc. Space Needle Corporation SRG Partnership Sterling Realty Organization Co. Stoneway Concrete/Gary Merlino Construction Sweeney Conrad Teutsch Partners L.L.C. TMX Aerospace Tom Taylor Insurance Brokers, Inc.* William C. Colwell D.D.S., P.S.* Woodworth & Company, Inc.* Zevenbergen Capital Investments LLC Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Architects LLP Up to $999 A. E. Downs Enterprises Inc. AA Party Rentals* Acoustical Design* Air Cargo Management Group Allison Spielman Advisors Artbeads.com* Asko Processing, Inc. Associated General Contractors Atlas Supply, Inc.* Auto Solution Avtech Corporation Bader Martin, P.S. Barclay Dean Bendich, Stobaugh & Strong, P.C. Berg Equipment & Scaffolding Co., Inc.* BN West Credit Union* Brink & Sadler, CPAs* Builders’ Hardware & Supply Co., Inc. Byers & Anderson, Inc., Court Reporters & Video* Byrnes & Keller Cadman Incorporated Career Specialists Inc. Carlile Transportation Systems* Cary Kopczynski & Co. Catalytic Software Chalet Bowl & 26th Street Cafe* Charlie’s Produce* Chism, Thiel, McCafferty Campbell & Steinmark PLLC Chubb & Son Coast Wide Supply Cochran Electric* Cocker Fennessy, Inc. Combined Federal Campaign Cornerstone Architectural Group Coughlin Porter Lundeen, Incorporated Custom Interiors Danielson Harrigan Leyh & Tollefson LLP Davies Pearson Law Firm* Dawson & Gerbic, LLP DHR Executive Search Division Seven Waterproofing, Inc. Eclipse Marketing Group Evergreen Home Loans Exotic Metals Forming Company Expert Drywall Inc* The Fearey Group Ferguson Construction Financial Pacific Co.* First Mutual Bank* Firstline Systems* Frederick - Stearns Foundation Fukui Architecture GA Creative* Gallery Mack Gary Bergquist, PLLC Glacier NW, Inc. The Graves Group Greg Kucera Gallery Hall Conway Jackson, Inc. Hanson, Baker, Ludlow & Drumheller The Henson Company Inc. Holaday-Parks, Inc. Holmes Electric Company* Horizon Lines Tacoma* Hub International NW LLC Husky Terminal & Stevedoring* J. L. Darling Corporation* Jacobson Jarvis & Co. PLLC KPFF Consulting Engineers Kurt Mayer’s Wanderlust Travel* Lance Mueller & Associates/Architects* Landau Associates, Inc.* LeClerq Marine LeDuc Packaging, Inc. Lifestyle Homes Littler Mendelson, P.S. Lynne F. Martin Architect* Mahlum Architects Marine Industries Northwest Inc.* Marquand Books Marvin Stein & Associates Matheus Lumber Co. McBride Construction Resources Inc. McQuesten Framing and Fine Art Monson & Bass, Inc. P.S. Mountain View Development Company* Murray Pacific Corporation* Northward Northwest Cascade, Inc.* Northwest Tower Crane Service, Inc.* Nyhus Communications Overall Laundry Services, Inc. Pacific Construction Systems, Inc. Pacific Denkmann Company Pacific Pier, Inc. Pacific Western Lumber, Inc.* Paradigm Communications Group Patricia Rovzar Gallery Price-Peterson Travel* ProRobics Publicis Puetz Golf Superstores Puget Sound Builders* Pyramid Breweries Inc.* R.W. Rhine, Inc.* Ralph’s Concrete Pumping, Inc. Richmond Public Relations Ronald E. Thompson, PLLC* Rushforth Construction Co.* Sandler Architects LLC Saxton, Bradley, Inc. Seattle Bike Supply* Seattle Bronze Company Seattle’s Convention and Visitors Bureau Sequoyah Electric, LLC* Simburg, Ketter, Sheppard & Purdy* Simply Blue Apparel Inc. Snyder Hartung Kane Strauss Architects, P.S., IN C. Snyder Roofing of Washington, LLC Employees of Sound Community Bank Sound Credit Union* Southdown Creative Spring Air Northwest* Star Moving Systems* Stuart Silk Architects Studio Stockroom Superior Linen Service* Suyama Peterson Deguchi Ted Brown Music Company* Ticket Envelope Company Ticor Title & Escrow* Tucci & Sons Inc.* United Iron Works, Inc. U-Park System Vandeberg Johnson & Gandara* VECA Electric & Communications* Wallace Properties* Washington Awards Washington Hardwoods Wetherholt and Associates, Inc. In-Kind Donors $50,000 and up Encore Media Group* POP* $20,000-$49,999 Alaska Airlines, Inc. Dwaffler* The Seattle Post-Intelligencer The Seattle Times TPN $10,000-$19,999 KING 5, KONG TV and NorthWest Cable News* The News Tribune* Sedgwick Rd.* Stoel Rives LLP* $5,000-$9,999 The Boeing Company Chateau Ste. Michelle Winery* ColorGraphics* Moss Adams - Seattle* Olympic Reprographics* Presentation Services Puget Sound Business Journal Seattle Mariners Baseball Club* M. Thomas Kroon Times Litho* $2,000-$4,999 Argosy Cruises* Artcraft Printing Company* Bentall Capital Christie Lites Hansen Design Co.* Puget Sound Refrigeration Safeco Insurance Starbucks Coffee Company Tony’s Events & Catering* William Traver Gallery* ZAAZ* $1,000-$1,999 Audio Media Cheyette & Associates* Garden Tapestry HyBlue* MaKensay Real Estate Services, Inc. Museum Quality Framing* Non-Profit Works/Janet Boguch Otis Elevator Company Riddell Williams P.S.* Rita Calabro The Ruins Triumph Events Network, Inc. Weyerhaeuser Company* Up to $999 Allphaze Commercial Floorcoverings Avanti Spas* Butch Blum Caffe Ladro Campagne Restaurant Charlotte Lin and Robert Porter The Copy Company* Daniel Smith Artists Materials Debbie Clark* Delta Victoria DiStefano Winery* Earth and Ocean El Gaucho El Gaucho Tacoma and Sea Grill* Godfather’s Pizza - Bonney Lake* Hotel 1000 Iron Mountain Quarry Ivar’s, Inc. Jillian’s Billiard Club Kusak Cut Glass Works* Library Bistro Macy’s Maggiano’s Little Italy Marco’s Supper Club Marie McCaffrey Marple’s Business Newsletter Mayflower Park Hotel Melrose Grill Michaels Nintendo of America Inc. Palomino Euro Bistro Pedersen’s Event Rentals LLC The Pepsi Bottling Group Peso’s Kitchen and Lounge Puget Sound Plastic Surgery* Purple Cafe Pyramid Breweries Inc. Quadrant Homes Randahl Company* The Salish Lodge Screenlife, LLC Seattle Sonics & Storm Sellen Construction Stadium Video/Buzzards* Stanley & Seafort’s* Starwood Lodging Corporation Stella Color Teatro ZinZanni Ten Mercer Union Bay Cafe Victoria Clipper Waterfront Seafood Grill The Westin Bellevue M I A r t s 6 =========================== Board and Staff Board of Trustees Officers David D. Buck Riddell Williams, P.S. Principal & Shareholder MIArts Board Chair Judi Beck MIArts Board Chair-Elect James R. Duncan Sparling Chairman & Chief Engineer MIArts Board Vice Chair Scott Redman Sellen Construction Executive Vice President, Business Development & Administration MIArts Board Vice Chair Ray B. Heacox KING, KONG & NorthWest Cable News President & General Manager MIArts Board Secretary Paul S. Ficca FTI Consulting Senior Managing Director MIArts Board Treasurer Mary E. Snapp Microsoft Corporation Corporate Vice President & Deputy General Counsel Immediate Past MIArts Board Chair James F. Tune MIArts President & CEO Board Members Kim A. Anderson John H. Bauer Nintendo of America, Inc. Executive Vice President, Admin. (retired) Douglas P. Beighle Madrona Investment Group Principal Jessie Beltran Sellen Construction Outreach & Communications Coordinator Deborah L. Bevier DL Bevier Consulting LLC Robert C. Blethen The Seattle Times Vice President, Corporate Marketing (retired) Michael A. Booth UBS Financial Services Private Wealth Advisor Senior Vice President, Investments Maggie Brown APCO Worldwide Inc. Senior Vice President and Managing Director Samantha R. Brown Goldman, Sachs & Co. Managing Director Kenneth F. Bunting Seattle Post-Intelligencer Associate Publisher Gary J. Carpenter Bentall Capital Executive Vice President & COO Scott E. Carson The Boeing Company Executive Vice President President and Chief Executive Officer, Commercial Airplanes Edward T. Cooney Macy’s Senior Vice President, Human Resources Melanie K. Curtice Stoel Rives LLP Principal Melanie J. Dressel Columbia Bank President & CEO John P. Folsom Brown & Brown of WA President Kevin P. Fox US Trust/Bank of America Senior Vice President Joseph M. Gaffney Dorsey & Whitney Partner Brian L. Grant, MD Medical Consultants Network, Inc. President & Medical Director R. Danner Graves The Graves Group President Joshua Green III Joshua Green Foundation President Paul P. Heppner Encore Media Group President Peter A. Horvitz Horvitz Newspapers Chairman, President, CEO Margaret Inouye K&L Gates Partner Bradley B. Jones Gordon, Thomas, Honeywell Partner Mary Justice Kenneth M. Kirkpatrick U.S. Bank President, Washington State M. Thomas Kroon Thomas James International, LLC Chairman and CEO Dr. Charlotte Lin The Boeing Company Chief Engineer (retired) Howard C. Lincoln Seattle Mariners Chairman & CEO Keith Loveless Alaska Airlines General Counsel & Corporate Secretary Stephen Lozano Union Bank of California Senior Vice President Jeffrey S. Lyon GVA Kidder Mathews President and CEO Scott W. MacCormack Heller, Ehrman Shareholder Richard Magnuson Group Health Cooperative Executive Vice President & CFO Douglas W. McCallum Financial Resources Group Principal Sandy McDade Weyerhaeuser Company Senior Vice President/General Counsel Sands McKinley McKinley Irvin Managing Partner Kim Munizza Mithun Principal Melissa Nelson TM Advertising Senior Vice President, Managing Director William H. Neukom K&L Gates Partner Glenna Olson U.S. Bank Senior Vice President & Managing Director George C. Pagos Symetra Financial Vice President, General Counsel, Secretary Jody Allen Patton Vulcan, Inc. President & CEO James R. Peoples KeyBank District President Mary Pigott Carol R. Powell Wells Fargo Senior Vice President Bill Predmore POP Founder & President David Ashby Pritchard Microsoft Corporation Senior Director James D. Raisbeck Raisbeck Engineering Chairman & CEO Stephen P. Reynolds Puget Energy, Inc. and Puget Sound Energy Chairman, President & CEO Pete Rose Expeditors International of Washington Chairman & CEO Stephen J. Rotella WaMu President & COO Skip Rowley Rowley Properties CEO Leonard J. Rozek Comcast Senior Vice President, Washington Market Stanley D. Savage The Commerce Bank President & CEO John A. Schukar Northern Trust Northwest Region President Craig H. Shrontz Perkins Coie Partner John E. Sims Amgen, Inc. Senior Scientific Director David E. Skinner ShadowCatcher Entertainment Carlyn Steiner Emory Thomas, Jr. Puget Sound Business Journal Publisher Ray Vincenzo Daniel M. Waggoner Davis Wright Tremaine Partner Robert A. Watt The Boeing Co. Vice President, Government & Community Relations (retired) Douglas E. Williams ZymoGenetics President Shaun L. Wolfe MessageGate, Inc. Chairman Charles B. Wright III R.D. Merrill Company Chairman of the Board & CEO Cynthia K. Zemann Marsh USA Inc. Managing Director MIArts staff James Tune President & CEO jimtune@MIArts.org Dwight Gee Executive Vice President dwight@MIArts.org Roxanne Kroon Shepherd Corporate Campaign Director roxannes@MIArts.org Mike Woodman Director of Individual & Workplace Giving mikew@MIArts.org Cheryl Oliver Finance & Operations Director cherylo@MIArts.org Robin Echtle Pierce County Campaign Manager robine@MIArts.org Annemarie Scalzo Annual Giving Manager annemaries@MIArts.org Virginia Daugherty Executive Assistant virginiad@MIArts.org Annie Tardif Program Assistant anniet@MIArts.org Printing supported by United Reprographics www.unitedreprographics.com PLEDGE FORM Yes! I/We want to support our community’s most important and exciting arts groups with just one gift of: $60 $120 $600 $1,000 $1,250 $2,500 other $___________ Name(s) Please print your name as it should be listed. Check here if you wish to remain anonymous. Address ____________________________ City/State/Zip _____________________ Email ____________________________ Phone ____________________________ [ ] Check enclosed [ ] Please charge my credit card: [ ] VISA [ ] MasterCard Card #______________________________ Cardholder’s Signature________________ Expiration Date__________________ [ ] Please bill me: quarterly semiannually other __________________ [ ] My company will match my gift. Company: __________________ For individual donors of $2,500 or more: I/We accept the offer of free tickets to arts events. I/We waive the offer of free tickets to arts events. Our gift is completely tax-deductible as a charitable contribution. Please mail your contribution to: MIArts P.O. Box 19780 Seattle, WA 98109-6780 You may also donate on-line at www.MIArts.org. Thank You! cut on dotted line M I A r t s 7 =========================== Gerard Hanauer (1927—2007) MIArts joins the Seattle arts and business community in mourning the loss of Gerard Hanauer. Jerry was a member of the MIArts Board of Trustees from 1995 until his death in December. As Co-Chairman of Pacific Coast Feather Company, he was an influential leader, building his family’s Seattle-based bedding company into the national industry leader. He took a personal, hand’s-on approach to philanthropy, serving not only on the MIArts board but also as a Seattle Opera Trustee. Fellow MIArts and Seattle Opera trustee James Raisbeck says, “Jerry Hanauer was far more than generous – he was involved, enthusiastic, and ready to broaden his interests with many forms of art. He did this consistently all the years he has been in our lives.” MIArts President & CEO Jim Tune said, “Jerry was a fixture at our meetings and events. More importantly, he never failed to speak up when he saw something that needed fixing. We grew to rely on Jerry to say what he thought, and, inevitably, we were better off thanks to his advice.” Seattle Luncheon — Hold the date!! ArtFund’s 20th Annual Celebration of the Arts Luncheon Thursday, May 22, 2008 Noon – 1:30 p.m. The Westin Seattle 1900 Fifth Avenue Keynote Speaker: Ben Cameron Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Award Recipients: Richard and Betty Hedreen Lifetime Dedication to the Arts Mimi Gardner Gates Outstanding Achievement in the Arts For more info: 206.281.9050 or info@MIArts.org. MIArts P.O. Box 19780 Seattle, Washington 98109-6790 Address Service Requested Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Seattle, WA Permit No. 4538 M I A r t s 8 ===========================