Rights When Stopped(Kaiden Moore)

Getting stopped by a police officer is usually cause for worry and stress, but here I will detail what you can do when you are pulled over so you can rest easy.

Below are some blog posts with helpful information that could assist in the scenario that an officer stops you whether you are on foot, or in your car.

If you feel your rights were violated when stopped by an officer.

If you feel that an officer has violated your constitutional rights there is action you can take. But you must always remain calm.

Pulled over by a police officer In your car?

When pulled over by a police officer there are a few things you should ensure you do for your own safety as well as others.

Basic rights apply here but I will reiterate them.

Your Rights when stopped by a police officer

When stopped by a police officer you have a set of rights that you may choose to exercise but in order to do so you must have knowledge of them. So here I will list some crucial rights. All listed below are constitutional rights and as such you have the right to exercise these regardless of citizenship or immigration status.