Summary 2
HTML and The Structure of Pages
HTML code is the structural framework of a web page, using tags enclosed in angled brackets. The tags serve as containers and include elements like (html), (body), (h1), (p), etc. That helps structure the information in different sections, contributing to content organization. The opening tags initiate the individual structure, while the matching closing tags end the particular structure. Understanding HTML and its tags is very beneficial to creating a cohesive website.
The Importance of Attributes
Attributes play a crucial role in conveying extra information about the content of an HTML element. Written in lowercase, the attribute name (e.g., "href") specifies the type of additional information, while the enclosed value (e.g., "target_blank") represents the specific information or setting for that attribute. Each attribute may have various values located in the element's opening tag. This system provides a structured way to enhance and define elements within HTML, contributing to a more organized and functional web page.
Referencing the Pros
You have two primary approaches to consider when building and designing your website. The first is the ground-up method, involving thorough research in books and crafting your code based on acquired knowledge. Alternatively, you can utilize the "View Source" option to examine existing code that aligns with the visual style you desire for your website. For a valuable HTML/CSS code resource, explore and select "View Source." This action will open a window displaying the detailed code structure, offering a beneficial learning opportunity.