The tag "table" is used and the contents of the table are written out by row. To indicat the star of a row you use the tag "tr." Table data is tagged using "td" and refers to each cell of the table. "TH" is to represent a table heading and should always be used even if there is no heading provided to make sure the best quality rendering of the table.
Some entries may need to stretch across columns, this can be done with a "th" or "td" element. You may also want to stretch your entries down the rows, which can be done the same way. This will use rows and columns surrounding the areas to create.
Though you should not use old coding methods it is important to learn about them in order to understand how older sites were coded. The colums will form strait lines so you should only see the width tag on the first row, then each after should follow. Cell padding should be addded to add space inside each cell, this is often given in pixels.