The First Day of Class
Wednesday classes begin January 10, 2024, Thursday classes begin January 11, 2024, and Friday classes begin January 12, 2024. Wednesday and Thursday class times run from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Friday 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Be sure to arrive 30 minutes early the first day.
Race Clinic
Intermediate to advanced skiers can focus on racing techniques, gates, and more! Friday only. Helmets required.
Freestyle Clinic
Intermediate to advanced skiers/boarder learn new freestyle techniques, jumps and more. Thursday only. Helmets required.
Skiing $115 Boarding $130 Race $115 Freestyle $130
The cost includes rental equipment, lessons, and a lift ticket. $20 fee for changing your registered lesson day or snow sport, or if registering after December 31, 2023.
Download a registration form to mail or fax to Copper Summit. To confirm, call 989.539.6583. Please note: CLASS SPACE IS LIMITED ON FRIDAY.
Family Benefits
Students may stay and ski after lessons are over for $5. This includes ticket and rental. All family members are eligible to ski during class lesson hours for $15 lift ticket and $15 rental.
Proper Winter Clothing
Students must have gloves/mittens, hats (helmets recommended), winter jackets, and snow pants. Dressing properly with layers is important. Glove protectors are recommended for tow rope use and are available for purchase at the front desk.
Weather Conditions
If there is no school due to weather, you will need to call the ski area to find out if there will be class. Generally we do not cancel lessons because of weather conditions. If a class is canceled, it will be made up at the end of the classes if weather permits. Classes canceled due to the weather will not be refunded. All attempts will be made by the ski area to get the full five weeks of classes.
Cancellation Policy
There will be a full refund if canceled 14 days prior to student’s first ski or board class. If the student skis or boards the first week and does not wish to continue the program, there will be a refund of $25 for skiers and $30 for boarders. There will not be any refunds given after the first week of lessons.
For whatever reason, if you have to miss a day, unfortunately there will be no option to make up that day.
What Level to Register For?
Not sure what level to register your child for? Take a look below to see where your child will fit best. Pleaes note, students will be adjusted as needed to ensure all students receive the best instruction possible to meet their needs.
First Time
No prior experience
May have tried skiing or snowboarding 1 or 2 times
Understands how to make basic turns, control speed, and stop.
Able to ride the row rope with no assistance.
May have completed First Time lessons last year
Can turn on command
Able to ride tow rope and chairlift without assistance.
May have completed prior years in intermediate or beginner levels.