Mary Shuboy

Topic 1- list can be made ordered or unordered.

To create an ordered list the tag must start with ol. After this each item in the list needs to be started with the tag li and ended with /li as this stands for list item. Similarly an unordered list is stated with the tag ul> followed with the li tag.

Topic 2- it is important to choose the right typephase and specify it.

To use a typephase you need to make sure it is downloaded to the computer being used so that it will show up. Using the property font-family will allow you to specify what typeface you want used for each part of a text. Different fonts can be specified using commas that way if a user does not have the typeface you chose installed the computer can still show a different font.

Topic 3- font weight can be changed using the font-weight tag.

Topic 3- font weight can be changed using the font-weight tag. The font weight can be changed from normal to bold by using the font weight tag. The font style can also be changed using the tag font-style if you want the type to be italic. The tags that can be used with font style are normal, italic, and oblique.

Mary Shuboy - Summary 4