Mary Shuboy

Group List

1) Line 5- don’t close main> in css

2) Line 6 – Typeface family instead of font family

3) Line 10 Margin needs unit of measurement

4) Line 11 padding line needs unit of measurement

5)Line 12 Padding line needs unit of measurement

6) Line 13 Margin line needs unit of measurement

7) Line 15 Main ended incorrectly /main> not needed

8) Line 20- display: diamonds; WRONG

9) Line 26- wrong [

10)Line 35- number 4?

11) Line 52 - triangle brackets instead of slashes to add note to CSS

12)Line 25 and 63 - information repeated

13) Line 33 - color spelled colour

14) Line 45 - Capital W

15)Line 46 – Height spelled wrong

16) Line 36 :hover#menu-icon reverse order should be #menu-icon :hover

17) Line 67 shouldn’t be div

18) Line 54-67 links in wrong order should be visited hover active

My List

1. Line 5 main is wrong

2. line 14 /main should not be inside bracket

3. line 20 diamonds tag is wrong

4. Line 35 4 is wrong

5. Line 52 is an html comment not css

6. Line 26 bracket is wrong

7. Line 33 color is spelt wrong

Mary Shuboy - Challenge 2