Mary Shuboy

CSS Compund Rules

When creating h2 in css, h2 must be set in order of normal h2, then header h2, and then main h2. brackets are used after this along with font-size, color, font-weight, and font-style in order to make each of the h2's look diffrent.

html Symbols

It is posible to creat symbols in html. In html the parent box is considered to be the large box and the small box is the child.

Spam Tags

Spam tags are often used to create a box but they can be used for what ever you want. Spam tags can be used for the color and fontsize of type.

Stylizing Links

When styalizing links you can change make multiple h2's with diffrent font sizes, colors. and weights. links also work in states. Theses states include visited, hover, and active. A change in color can be used to show that a link has been visited.

CSS Compound Rules

H2 Example - Parent Child Compound rules in CSS enable specific styling of elements based on their hierarchical relationships or context. By targeting `h2` elements within different sections (`header`, `main`, `footer`), you can apply unique styles to each, enhancing visual hierarchy and design coherence.

h2 { font-weight: 100; font-size: 4em; } header h2 { font-weight: 900; font-size: 4em; color: brown; font-style: italic; } main h2 { font-weight: 100; font-size: 2em; color: darkorange; } footer h2 { font-weight: 300; font-size: 1em; color: aliceblue; } About Compound Rules Creating compound CSS rules allows for tailored styling within different sections of a webpage, such as `header`, `main`, `aside`, and `footer`. This specificity enhances the design and functionality of each section.

Span Tag

The `span>` tag is useful for applying specific styles within text blocks, such as paragraphs. This flexibility is crucial for individualizing parts of your content without altering the overall block structure.

Stylizing Links

Links can be styled to respond differently based on user interaction, enhancing usability and aesthetic appeal. It's important to style links in the following order: `:link`, `:visited`, `:hover`, and `:active` to ensure proper cascading of styles. a { font-size: 0.9em; color: #A74731; text-decoration: none; font-weight: 300; } a:visited { color: #A74731; font-weight: bold; } a:hover { color: #F1A748; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer; } a:active { color: #A74731; cursor: pointer; font-weight: bold; }

Three Different Ways to Attach CSS

A) Make a CSS style sheet sheet and attach it. B) Put CSS in head portion of HTML code. (Inside the style type="text/css Place your CSS Rules here /style> code) C) Place it inline style=______> Inline CSS provides a quick way to apply styles directly to individual elements, useful for overriding stylesheet rules for specific cases. p style =color: blue; font-weight: 800>Paragraph text goes here./p>

The Use of the Span Tag

The span>` tag, paired with CSS, offers granular control over the styling of specific text segments within a paragraph or other text block. p span { font-family: your choice here; font-size: your choice here; font-weight: your choice here; color: your choice here; }

Common and Uncommon CSS Text Properties

Common properties like `font-size`, `font-weight`, and `color` are fundamental for text styling, whereas properties like `overflow`, `text-indent`, and `text-shadow` offer additional control for advanced styling needs.

Type List Tags

List tags (`ul>`, `ol>`, `li>`, `dl>`, `dd>`) structure content in ordered, unordered, and definition lists, essential for organizing information clearly. A sample ordered list (numbered) could be coded as follows: ol> li> List Item 1 /li> li> List Item 2 /li> li> List Item 3 /li> li> List Item 4 /li> /ol> Important Notes on Lists Lists serve various functions, from simple text organization to complex components like navbars. Style and functionality can be further customized with properties like `list-style-type`. Note: you can not set li> by themselves. All li>s must be used inside an, ol> or ul> etc.

Mary Shuboy - Step 3