Step 2

1. Tags

Two Types of Tags

There are tags for structure (think of them as boxes), and there are tags for text.

Structure Tags

Structure tags function as boxes, developed from <div> tags.

Common structure tags include:

  • <header> </header>
  • <nav> </nav>
  • <main> </main>
  • <article> </article>
  • <section> </section>
  • <footer> </footer>
  • <aside> <aside>

Note: Any name can be used for a class or ID in a <div> (division) tag.

Text Tags

Text tags give hierarchy to the text. Common text tags include:

  • <h1> </h1> (largest title)
  • <h2> </h2>
  • <h3> </h3>
  • <h4> </h4>
  • <h5> </h5>
  • <h6> </h6> (smallest title)

Other text tags include:

  • <b> </b> (bold)
  • <strong> </strong> (another form of bold)
  • <i> </i> (italic)
  • <em> </em> (for emphasis)
  • <p> </p> (paragraph)
  • <code> </code> (to display code)
  • <span> </span> (for inline styling)
  • <br> (line break)

2. Links (Anchors)

Some HTML History

In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web to share text information. He originally called links "anchors," which is why we use <a> for links.

Creating a Hyperlink in Dreamweaver

Steps to create a hyperlink in Dreamweaver:

  1. Open the page where you want to create a link.
  2. Select the text or image you want as the link.
  3. Click "Insert" > "Hyperlink."
  4. In the dialog box, browse for the HTML page or file to link to or enter a URL.
  5. Optionally set the target for where the link should open (e.g., _blank, _self).
  6. Click "OK" to create the link.

3. Media Queries

Media Queries allow websites to adjust to various screen sizes, improving usability across devices.

The Code

Media queries are incorporated into CSS. Example syntax:

@media only screen and (max-width: 990px) { .image-selector { display: none; } }

Be mindful of closing curly braces, as omitting them can break your CSS.