Step 1

Main Site Root Folder

This is where you store all the info for this class and is considered local stuff This whole folder needs to be moved over to a server. Inside this folder there will be a folder for css, images, and downloads, possibly some js. The html is simply already in the folder. Your index.html (homepage) needs to be in the site root folder along with possible other pages such as a contact page (contact.html). If you don't tell dreamweaver where you site root folder is it will not know and make a new one for you. If half way through the class you decide to move your site root folder dreamweaver won't work and you will have to re tell it where it is keep it in the same spot.

HTML Sandwich

Html is linear and generally a series of tags which can be repersented by a sanwich. h1-h6 are the tags for the text use with h1 being the largest and h6 being the smallest, then the letter p is for paragraph, b for bold, i for italic etc.

Text HTML Tags

h1-h6 are the tags for the text use with h1 being the largest and h6 being the smallest, then the letter p is for paragraph, b for bold, i for italic etc.

HTML Structure and Content


div stands for division and when they come up with this web was having a hard time adjusting to make responsive sites. And division allowed you to create flexible layouts people got to name the tags how they wanted and came up with those (header, footer, main) and that became the known tags used.

.Class - get to use repeatedly, assign a dot to it to use it repeatedly #id - more important - use once per page

Tags that can be used
i - italics
b - bold
h1 through h6 - h1 being the largest and h6 being the smallest
em - emphasis Html structure: “Margins marches in padding pushes out”

CSS = Style

There are three ways to deal with css:
#1 the best way is to make a separate css style sheet and link them together
#2 is put the css style inside the html meta data (head section) on top if the info is short this works fine
#3 This way is to apply css in line in the html.
In CSS the last guy wins for example if there are two colors listed the bottom one wins

Margins and Padding
If you type margin you are effecting all sides at the same time If you type padding you are affecting all sides at the same time To be more specific you need to designate the side(top, bottom, right, left) and specific padding.