Topic 1: When building a website proper planning should take place first.
Before you get started designing a website it is important to step back and thoroughly think through what you are designing and if it meets the goals you need it to. When planning it is important to make sure everyone is on the same page. You need to be careful with planning because you don’t want to waste all your time but know exactly what you should be planning for to be the most efficient.
Topic 2: Fully understanding the company's users is a key step to creating a good website.
When you're planning the site it is important for the designers to fully understand the users of the website to create something that is good for the clients and the users. Using site maps when planning is beneficial because it can help the designer create a website that simplifies the user experience.
Topic 3: More things than just the design should be planned as well.
With websites that go beyond basic text and image it is important to consider which media will be used on a site because you may need more services that may end up costing you more. In order to minimize cost how the data is being managed should be considered before touching any code. It’s also important to discuss with the client who is responsible for updating the site if necessary when it comes time.