Summary 3

February 2, 2024 | Chapters 2 and 11

Topic 1: Using tags in your HTML can allow you to add to certain parts of text.

There are two different types of markup. Structural markup are used to describe both headings and paragraphs. Semantic markup provides extra markups such as emphasis, bold, italics, and quotations. Empty elements can be used for things like breaks or to add horizontal lines. Empty elements do not have any text in between them and only have one tag and do not need an opening and closing tag.

Topic 2: Considering contrast when adding colors to your site is a important step.

When there is low contrast between the background and foreground the text can be hard to read. To make sure this is not a issue you want to make sure the contrast is strong between the two. But it is important to remember too much contrast such as white text on a background can be hard to read large pieces of text. The best option for loger spans of text is to reduce the contrast slightly.

Topic 3: There are three different ways to add color in CSS

Computer screens are made up of thousands of tiny squares called pixels. Every color on a computer screen is created by mixing amounts of red, green, and blue. The three different ways to add color to your site is with RGB value, hex codes, and color names. RGB is the amount of red green and blue while the hex codes represent those numbers in a hexadecimal code. The last one is color names which is not used often because the color names are limited.