Summary 6

February 23, 2024 | Chapters 5 and 15

Topic 1: The three rules to remember when creating images for your website.

You need to make sure you save images in the correct format, the most likely used for websites is PNG, jpeg, or gif format the correct format will make sure your image looks sharp and loads fast. You also need to save images at the right size to make sure that it is the right height and width as how you want them on the website. Lastly, you should be measuring the image height and width in pixels so it has better resolution on a screen.

Topic 2: Understanding block-level and inline boxes for designing website layouts.

CSS treats each HTML element as if it is in its own box and it can either be a block-level box or an inline box. Block-level boxes start on their own line and act as the main building blocks of any layout. Inline boxes flow between surrounding text inside of block-level elements. You can adjust the height, width, padding, color, and margin on these boxes to get the desired look you are going for.

Topic 3: Fixed width and liquid layouts.

Fixed width layouts do not change size when users increase or decrease the size of the browser window and measurements tend to be given in pixels. This can be good to control exactly where you want items on a page to be and appear but you can end up with large gaps on the sides of the page. Liquid layouts stretch and contract as users increase or decrease the size of their browser window and tend to use percentages. This can be good to ensure the entire browser window is filled but if you do not control the width of the sections things can be changed to not look like what the designer chose and can make really long line of text.