pdf document of InDesign pages displaying/explaining the following:
- 1) brand colors (RGB, CMYK, Hex and Pantone) and logo standards (logo in full color, logo in all black or white) (Minimum three sentences)
- 2) Client Interview Summary
Minimum seven sentences. Review your notes from Phillip Hanson’s presentation.
- 3) List Three Similar Apps that you will download and critique. Try to find ones that provide academic / community engagement, as much as possible. (No write up needed yet, but start gathering screenshots of those apps as you determine pros and cons that will be used in Week 2)
📱 4) The Low-Fidelity (sketches) Mock Up
✍️ Sketch out rough concept (use Concept Sheet)
Minimum of six screens.
🖥️ Explore your chosen software to learn to organize scanned sketches into prototype. No items to turn in yet.
Note: this Concept Sheet will not need to be turned in, instead, what you write and sketch out will become part of your future booklet. For example the Target Market will be used in Week 2.