Project 4 - Three Walking Routes Signage
Due: Dec 8
The primary objective of this assignment is to design effective, engaging, and aesthetically pleasing signage and wayfinding systems for three distinct walking routes on our college campus. This project is an exploration of visual communication in a spatial context, focusing on clarity, accessibility, and brand consistency.
The primary objective of this assignment is to design three sets of walking route signage as part of the "HHS BeWell initiative," funded by the Barry and Linda Franklin Exercise is Medicine On Campus Microgrant. You will create an effective, engaging, and aesthetically pleasing signage and wayfinding system for three distinct walking routes on our college campus, emphasizing visual communication in a spatial context to promote health and wellness through physical activity. In total, you are tasked with designing 15 signs, ensuring each set of 5 signs is thematically unified yet distinctly different across the three routes, harmonizing the overall health and wellness theme with innovative and accessible design approaches.

Sample Placard - Riverside Park

Sample Placard - Eugene
Research/Development Work Due
(Download and complete Concept Sheet)
Fill out the concept sheet. This will help you gather some of the basics for a marketing plan for the signage design. Render three color thumbnail sketch sets planing your signae . Grading will be based upon students composition, experimentation with in the current brand limitations, ability to follow instructions, and craftsmanship/presentation.
Final Work Due
Save the supplied template as a PDF. Place the PDF on the “Student Turn In” section of the Graphics Server. The file should be named in this manner; “Student’sLastName--WalkingRouteSignage.”
Required Reading
Signage and Surface Markings
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
Focus Design Principle(s)
Signage, Wayfinding
Project 4 - Resources
Text for the Placards
Route 1
HHS and Education 1 Mile Route
One for continuous buildings such as Science, Business, and the Art buildings.
Design a set of five signs:
- Start
- Arrow forward (multiple signs printed)
- Arrow turn left (multiple signs printed)
- Arrow turn right (multiple signs printed)
- Finish
Each placard is to have the following elements…
A) an SVSU HHS logo, a BWell Saginaw Logo, and an American College of Sports Medicine Exercise is Medicine logo.
B) Text stating "HHS BeWell initiative". As well as the text "Funded by the Barry and Linda Franklin Exercise is Medicine On Campus Microgrant".
C) One directional arrow.
D) A "You Are Here" route map.
Route 2
Main Campus 2 Mile Route
(continuous buildings)
A second route for the HHS and Education buildings.
Design a set of five signs:
- Start
- Arrow forward (multiple signs printed)
- Arrow turn left (multiple signs printed)
- Arrow turn right (multiple signs printed)
- Finish
Each placard is to have the following elements…
A) an SVSU HHS logo, a BWell Saginaw Logo, and an American College of Sports Medicine Exercise is Medicine logo.
B) Text stating "HHS BeWell initiative". As well as the text "Funded by the Barry and Linda Franklin Exercise is Medicine On Campus Microgrant".
C) One directional arrow.
D) A "You Are Here" route map.
Route 3
SVSU Exercise is Medicine 5K Route
(main and HHS/Ed buildings)
And the larger 5K distance route across multiple campus buildings.
Design a set of five signs:
- Start
- Arrow forward (multiple signs printed)
- Arrow turn left (multiple signs printed)
- Arrow turn right (multiple signs printed)
- Finish
Each placard is to have the following elements…
A) an SVSU HHS logo, a BWell Saginaw Logo, and an American College of Sports Medicine Exercise is Medicine logo.
B) Text stating "HHS BeWell initiative". As well as the text "Funded by the Barry and Linda Franklin Exercise is Medicine On Campus Microgrant".
C) One directional arrow.
D) A "You Are Here" route map.