Project 4 - 260 Packaging Design
Due: Dec 8


Link to Optional Project 4 - Signage


To experiment with updating the label of an existing product. To explore ways to make the product look new, different and appealing to target market, without losing the elements of the already existing brand.



Create packaging label for the Oracle Brewing Co. – brewed especially for the Theodore Roethke Festival. This should be approached as special product, created specifically for this event. As three craft beers have been brewed for this event, design the labels as a series — a themed visual should be present linking all designs as one.

The current bottle uses a single label and has two the logo options. Download the project materials this includes the label template. The vector logos will be supplied (do not use both Oracle logos, pick one of the two) also supplied is all of the needed text and other information is required for the label.

Sample of current Oracle Beer Label
Sample Label - Oracle Brewing Co.
Sample of current Oracle Beer Label
Sample Label - Oracle Brewing Co.

Research/Development Work Due

(Download and complete Concept Sheet)
Fill out the concept sheet. This will help you gather some of the basics for a marketing plan for the label redesign. Then identify the weakest part of the current label, as well as its strengths. Render six color thumbnail sketches planing your updated graphic. Grading will be based upon students composition, experimentation with in the current brand limitations, ability to follow instructions, and craftsmanship/presentation.


Final Work Due

Save the supplied template as a PDF. Place the PDF on the “Student Turn In” section of the Graphics Server. The file should be named in this manner; “Student’sLastName--RoethkeOracleBeerlabel.”


Required Reading

The ultimate guide to product packaging design


Optional Reading

The ultimate guide to product packaging design


Focus Design Principle(s)

Branding, Marketing


Project 4 - Resources

Text for the Labels



Label 1


My Papa's Waltz

Bourbon Barrel Imperial Stout

11% ABV


"Brewed in honor of the Theodore Roethke Memorial Poetry Prize---a tradition since 1968."

Brewed and Packaged by Oracle Brewing Co. Saginaw, MI.

GOVERNMENT WARNING: (1) According to the Surgeon General, women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects. (2) Consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery, and may cause health problems.



Also Include:

– Oracle Logo (Use only one of the two versions for all three bottles)

– Theodore Roethke Poetry & Arts Festival logo?



- The words “GOVERNMENT WARNING” must appear in capital letters and in bold type

- The remainder of the statement may not appear in bold type

- The statement must appear as a continuous paragraph


Minimum 2 mm for containers larger than 237 ml (8 fl. oz.) to 3 liters (101 fl. oz.)




Label 2


The Waking

Double IPA

8% ABV


Note: Label size is different:
5" X 7.5" RCR with 0.125 C. Radius.

"Brewed in honor of the Theodore Roethke Memorial Poetry Prize---a tradition since 1968."

Brewed and Packaged by Oracle Brewing Co. Saginaw, MI.

GOVERNMENT WARNING: (1) According to the Surgeon General, women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects. (2) Consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery, and may cause health problems.



Also Include:

– Oracle Logo (Use only one of the two versions for all three bottles)

– Theodore Roethke Poetry & Arts Festival logo?



- The words “GOVERNMENT WARNING” must appear in capital letters and in bold type

- The remainder of the statement may not appear in bold type

- The statement must appear as a continuous paragraph


Minimum 2 mm for containers larger than 237 ml (8 fl. oz.) to 3 liters (101 fl. oz.)




Label 3


The Far Field

Wild Ale aged in French Oak

7% ABV


"Brewed in honor of the Theodore Roethke Memorial Poetry Prize---a tradition since 1968."

Brewed and Packaged by Oracle Brewing Co. Saginaw, MI.

GOVERNMENT WARNING: (1) According to the Surgeon General, women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects. (2) Consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery, and may cause health problems.



Also Include:

– Oracle Logo (Use only one of the two versions for all three bottles)

– Theodore Roethke Poetry & Arts Festival logo?



- The words “GOVERNMENT WARNING” must appear in capital letters and in bold type

- The remainder of the statement may not appear in bold type

- The statement must appear as a continuous paragraph


Minimum 2 mm for containers larger than 237 ml (8 fl. oz.) to 3 liters (101 fl. oz.)



Project Materials

Download the Oracle Logos

Download the Label Templates (two different sizes)


Preview of final work due…

Sample: Student Work - displaying similar labels from a past assignment

Example of student portfolio

Sample: Another Student Approach

Example of student portfolio